Phew.. here comes semester 3. Surprisingly, we only have two subjects in our third semester which is color studies and creative and critical thinking. Hmm..Color studies?? what's that? it sounds kind of boring to me but trust me it is not as simple as you think. After going numerous of lecturer class, I realize that our eyes do lies us. Why? For instance, if a guy has a CPD (color perception deficiency) looks on a red apple, do u think the color that he see from that apple is red??Therefore I think that sometimes we can't just judge a thing in a single angle. It mights just an illusion or a lie. We must always judge a thing from different perspectives so that we can manage to solve or understand it.
Ok. Back to my story. For our color studies final project, we need to do a game for the V-award. What's v-award? V-award is some sort of Student version of Oscar award. After battling mind, my group mates and I decided to redesign some of the fun fair games.The reason we using fun fair games is because we hope our audiences can refresh their childhood memory and draw attention from them.In addition, Ryan (one of our group members) suggested to create a video to advertise our game, we have no doubt about this media advertising can contribute some attention and at the end we aim for games plus video. Last but not least, we name our group as Inovastain means innovation + stain.
Our advertising video created by Ryan and Sean
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